We are convinced that we as a company can only create values if we follow our own values.
Values give our work meaning. Shared values unite employees, tenants, partners, investors and other interested parties, enabling them to work together towards a common objective. Fairness, cooperation and being fair and respectful all contribute towards finding the best solution. – Since we act in line with our inner beliefs, we look forward every day to encountering new challenges with our consummate professionalism and expertise.
Mission statement of ZECH Group.
What works at company level also applies to the entire Group. After all, die developer shares not just financial involvement but also its values with the individual subsidiaries of the ZECH corporate family.

R – for RESPONSIBILITY: We assume responsibility for our environment and future generations. By 2030 we will offer CO2-neutral buildings and we will be CO2-neutral as a Group by 2045.

R – for RESPECT: We respect our employees and their families. We create a verifiably safe and fair working environment for them.

T – for TRANSPARENCY: We are aware of our social responsibility. In all of our actions, we transparently consider our Code of Conduct.